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What will happen to players..draft?

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I'd assume they'd be tossed into the draft next year or they'd become free agents, which is what I believe generally happens anyways.

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Obviously I'm no expert but couldn't they say something like, "Here are the terms for all new players. If there is a new CBA it will supercede these terms."

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It's not that simple. The CBA sets the rules for age, draft eligibility, and all other important factors that go into the draft itself.

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It's not that simple. The CBA sets the rules for age, draft eligibility, and all other important factors that go into the draft itself.

I know that, just wondering if they could have an interim set of rules to allow the draft to proceed. SInce arbitration and rookie salary scale are part of the problem, it would be difficult.

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The draft this year has been offically cancelled. As for the undrafted players I don't know but most likely will be able to play in Europe and the minors as free agents. Don't know about NHL if it comes back late next season.

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how often do players get drafted when they're 20? If so do you think they will allow players that are 21 from this years draft to be eligible next year? Im just curious, cause I know it would piss me off if I had a chance to get drafted, and suddenly i got hosed out of it.

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