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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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long hosel vs. short hosel blade

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I was just curious as to what the differences were, if any, in using a long hosel blade vs. a short hosel, or medium hosel blade. Is it all preference, or are their actual benefits in using either of the two?


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I'll run a little test when I can. It may be a while, but I'll use my Mission L-2 with Inno Fedorov short hosel and my Mission M-2 with Inno Fedorov long hosel. Basically same shaft and same blade, except for the hosel length. I can't imagine there would be much difference, but you never know.

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I'll run a little test when I can. It may be a while, but I'll use my Mission L-2 with Inno Fedorov short hosel and my Mission M-2 with Inno Fedorov long hosel. Basically same shaft and same blade, except for the hosel length. I can't imagine there would be much difference, but you never know.

I'd be interested in knowing if the 2 different setups have noticeably different balance points (assuming you have the same end-plug setup in both).

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Short hosels are stiffer as well.

If the hosel of a short-hoseled blade is stiffer than the shaft it is put on, then the added stiffness might cancel out with the extra flex gained from the longer shaft needed due to the shorter hosel, no ?

So this begs the questions, 1) what is the effective flex of the hosel of the average blade, and 2) how much stiffer is a stocl when the shaft is shorter by the difference in length between long- and short-hoseled blades ?

Or are we talking about a different type of stiffness (rotational?) than people typically talk about with shafts ?

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If a chicken and a half laid an egg and a half in a day and a half, how much does a pound of butter weigh?

On a serious note, I have had several tapered shafts and short hosel blades. I currently have a r2Xn10 stiff. I really don't think the short hosel blade makes it too much more stiff. For example, if you have an 85 flex shaft and a tapered blade, the overall flex rating does not become 100..or something along those lines. The connection point area is somewhat more stiff, but overall the flex does not change that much. At least not in my experience.

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