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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sher-Wood Eclipse

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possibly the TPS Corvo. someone would have to verify that though im not sure. id compare it to a bent shovel before that though. lol

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I'm pretty sure he's talking retail. If so it's a deep curve, I'd say mid-heel. Smaller than the Coffey, but similar type of curve.

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Looking on the Sher-wood website, it looks alot like the D. Sedin that Jofa puts out. Just a general mid-curve, not too deep or too open.

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I have a Leclaire (by way of a Axion blade). It is as described above - mid curve, not too deep, not too open. In fact, I have often thought that the break at the middle is a little back swept, closing a bit more towards the toe (i.e., mid opened more than toe). BUT, it's not that perceptible, and could just be me (everyone seems to interpret such things differently afterall).

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I have a Leclaire (by way of a Axion blade). It is as described above - mid curve, not too deep, not too open.

The Leclair is a lie 5, text book definition of a mid-curve. Generic, plain jane, mid-curve; Jack of all trades, master of none style curve. Great for two way players who quickly have to adapt to all situations. If I had to suggest similar curves I would say either the Easton Iggy or the Montreal Euro, but the Leclair is more a wee more gentle than both.

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possibly the TPS Corvo. someone would have to verify that though im not sure. id compare it to a bent shovel before that though. lol

(Daniel) Corso, not (Joe) Corvo... I was in the visitors' room at Joe Louis when the Blues were in town, and I saw Corso's sticks... they were an almost-straight blade, and I seriously couldn't tell if he shot left or right. Looks a lot like the Leclair pro and also like Daniil Markov's CCM blade, which I picked up at a LHS and used for a while... I now have some custom Eastons based on that Markov blade...

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