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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Radar guns

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the speed chek is good. my friends have one and they bring it over. its pretty kool, but dont run in front of it, or youll loose your speed. it catalogues 1 so u can check what it was if u didnt see it. if u run in front of it though, it clocks how fast u run. ^_^

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I've used one for about 7 years..I think that is the later version of what I have...works ok, but uses ultrasonic sensing to judge the speed, so it is subject to stuff like blowing air etc., and certain background noises like fans etc. If you are too close it may pick up the stick blade speed instead of the puck speed, or sometimes even the skater.

But once you use it a bit you will know what the limitations are, and it can be a usefull tool to figure out what you need to do to improve your shot, or compare sticks too, also good for checking skating speed as well.

If you want to really impress your friends..click it on the metric setting :D

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Guest Boston10

If I was you, I would become friends with a local police officer and one day be like gee can I use your radar gun?...worked for me lol :) :)

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That radar should be checked. Barry Bonds bat speed is right around 100 MPH, I'm doubting you're swinging your shaft at that speed.

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First post! Hello Guys :)

I have the speedchek radar here in Australia.

It is awesome, sure it has issues with "Phantom" speeds but you learn to get over them. Must admit, I have only used it 3 times in 3 years. Good for demo days though - young kids love it and Seniors get really competitive when it is around.

Best part is it can clock skating speed! - although there is very little difference between skaters.

Best shot I have seen is 91MPH with a roller puck, then he hit the exact same speed next shot.

Hit it right at the box to get the best result, shots to the top corners will clock lower.

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My boss has one - and I'd agree with what MDE and Benchboy have to say - pretty good, but a couple of limitations - phantom readings being the biggy. My bosses one has lasted pretty well, despite being hit a couple of times. The front is cracked, but it still works fine.

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One of the guys here made me a box to put it in, perspex front with metal sides. Does the trick fine. I was paranoid about it getting hit before then.

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