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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wood sticks .vs. composite shafts

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Ive been playing with wood sticks for about 6 years now, but im starting to break them to quickly and its getting expensive to buy a decent wood stick every 2 or 3 games. Im looking at buying the Easton Ultra Light Shaft and some wood blades. Compared to wood sticks will the performace be better/worse, and will the feel be affected?


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One isnt really "better" then the other. It all really personal preference. Some people like woodys over Composites and some dont. The stick combo you mentioned would probbly be a good way to start though, to see if you like composites.

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I went from wood sticks to 100% composites and hated how much I had to sacrifice in puck feel.

I then compromised and use an Easton UltraLight shaft with a wood blade and it gives me the better of both worlds. Note I said better and not best as 100% composites are lighter and give more zing to your shots and 100% wood will give you best feel.

Good luck,


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