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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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USA Nationals 2005

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I'd assume it'd be on www.usahockey.com.

It should be on the front page w/ links to the different levels.

It's a pain in the ass to get the actual tournament info. One of the guys on my team (and a member of MSH) has a daughter that is playing in the tournament. So far they are 1-1-0.

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like 2 of my best friends are in the tournament right now there 2-0-1 only team thats still undefeated in the Tier ll 16 u. they are the midland Northstars, i tryed out for the team but didnt make it! :angry: i could be in nationals right now ! but my one buddy is Labelle check out the stats he has the most goals right now in 16 u tier ll but he has no assists yet so hes only like number 6 or something in over all scoring.

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I just returned from Centennial, CO where my daughter played in the U-19 girls Tier 1 tournament. (Yeah I'm the one Chadd was referring to.) Her team the Washington Pride got knocked out in the quarterfinals by Shattuck St. Mary's, who went on to win the national title.

For girls hockey this was probably one of the most exciting experiences she may ever have, even if she goes on to play Division 1 college hockey. Lots of people in the stands, lots of college coaches watching, games being audiocast over the Internet, and the top competition in the country.

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Kid for Shattuck St. Mary's U-19 team took a high stick at nationals and the blade went up under her helmet, detaching her earlobe. She had 45 stitches that night and played in the game the following day against my daughter's team, and scored a goal.

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