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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Made in America Gloves

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The new Made in America Gloves are identical to the new Flite 3300 ones that I bought a month and a bit back except with the carbon material instead of leather.

Same exact glove, even same design.

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yes the company is called made in america


now as i mentioned in another post i seen them at a local hockey tournament and questioned the guy who had them and he let me try them on they are just like eagles on i find more comfortable and the carbon was awqsome.

they i made in montreal area and i ordered a pair that will arrive next week and i will then post a pic and comments...

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I just looked on http://www.flitehockey.com/ and they've got some pretty nice stuff.

The prices are a little high too. Gerry wanted us to buy a ton of stuff without seeing it, unless we wanted to drive up and see it. Not really the type of service you want from a manufacturer.

Yea, he tried to talk me into a bunch too, instead I just got one of each size. Glad I did.... care to guess what I still have from my original order?? :-( They are all now marked down below cost and I still can't get rid of them!

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The MIA glove's are from Made in America Sports in Montreal, Qc. They're just starting off. They make gloves under their brand MIA and also for FLITE and EFSI. That explains the similar design of the gloves. Yes they are pretty conventionnal gloves, but it's the first model and other designs will come soon. The quality of the product is good so no needs to second guess. The gloves are manufactured completely in Montreal and the materials used in them are very high end.

also, new website coming soon along with composite sticks and sportswear.

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Thanks for joining our board and giving us some insight on your company. I thought Eagle was making EFSI's gloves - are you guys making another model in their lineup for them?

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When we say Made in America, America is not United-States of America, it's just America plain and simple, south, middle and north. And Efsi is russian, but what we do for them is still made here and what come's out of their factories stays in Russia.

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As far as I know, companies such as MIA, Eagle, Itech and Innovative all supply EFSI with their products. I know that they have a model of glove from each company (other then inno).

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