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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Custom Wood Blades

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like where to send your pattern in to get them custom made?

TPS, Christian, Harrow, Legend, MicMac, Sherwood, Black beauty, etc..

How to make your own curve? Buy a wood blade. Buy a heat gun. Heat blade, make your own curve, decide whether or not you like it.

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i didnt really wanna start a new topic but i want to get some custom hulls in a left handed pattern. what exactly would the specs be??

Find a RH and ask to have the pattern "flipped" to LH. I'm sure you could find some takers for RH ones as well.

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i didnt really wanna start a new topic but i want to get some custom hulls in a left handed pattern. what exactly would the specs be??

Find a RH and ask to have the pattern "flipped" to LH. I'm sure you could find some takers for RH ones as well.

Morrows pro pattern is also a LH Hull isn't it? Try and track one of those down if possible.

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Morrows pro pattern is also a LH Hull isn't it? Try and track one of those down if possible.

Yup, but if I remember correctly, it isn't Brendan Morrow. I don't know if we ever figured out whose they were.

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Anyone know how much Christian blades cost to get a custom batch? Also, would the min. be 12? Looking for some RH hulls to be made....



Minimum is 6, price will vary.

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