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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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t-flex pic

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I did search, but i always thought the tflex was a shaft, so iwent to the tapperd shaft section and look. sorry guys.

They haven't made the shaft in two years.

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the t-flex is a shaft. its the father of all the tapered shafts out on the market now. the regular t-flex's just used longer hoseled blades instead of the shorties that new shafts like the synthesis use. the new ones are basically just longer t-flexes with short hosel blades.

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Guest Boston10

I still have my t-felx shaft..and oh man was it good back in the day...I liked the blades but as good as they were they were not very durable. Sometimes I would go through one in a month. Yet they were cheap $ wise so overall I wish Easton would still make them but since graphite etc. blades are taking over, the old t-flex will be missed.

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the t-flex is a shaft. its the father of all the tapered shafts out on the market now. the regular t-flex's just used longer hoseled blades instead of the shorties that new shafts like the synthesis use. the new ones are basically just longer t-flexes with short hosel blades.

Then the Flyweight is the Grandfather of all tapereds shafts. The flyweight came first I think.

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I know the t-flex came in aluminum, I don't recall the Flyweight being that old but I could be wrong.

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i believe the aluminum t-flexes were out before mission was even a company. or just about the same time mission started up.

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For the record, T-Flex shafts (aluminum and composite) have been around longer than Flyweight shafts.

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I'm with 43% on this one. T-Flexes have been around since at least '93 and I don't know if Mission's been around that long.

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You guys are correct that the Flyweight came after the T-flex, but the Flyweight was the first to incorporate a short hosel blade i believe. At least in tapered.

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Guest Boston10

Yes please share :)

By the way did u go to any bruins vs.rangers game at the fleet this year

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