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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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8090 Q

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How do the 8090's compare to XX's in boot pitch... I am thinking of getting the 8090's and this is my only concern. I think my XX's have a more forward pitch but I am not really sure (I know the blade pitch is +1). So if I get these skates do I have to raise them for them to be more like my XX's


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actually, the pitch isn't really "+1", however, the bladeholder is the same for 8090s and XX's. the 8090's definately aren't a forward pitched skate and it's not a skate with aggressive forward flex like the XX's

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i had XXs and now I'm using 8090s(fit my feet MUCH better) and as other than fit, it's not a very noticable difference.

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How do the 8090's compare to XX's in boot pitch... I am thinking of getting the 8090's and this is my only concern. I think my XX's have a more forward pitch but I am not really sure (I know the blade pitch is +1). So if I get these skates do I have to raise them for them to be more like my XX's


Any pitch concerns can be corrected by having your blades rocker radiused, I wouldn't worry about switching.

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Ok great... ya I was a little worried there was a big difference between the two skates and I really liked my XX's so I didn't want to make a change to a completely different skate.

Thanks everybody

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Go for the 8090s, but if you liked your vapors fitwise, you probably won't like the 8090 fit because it is completely different.

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Actually I don’t think the XX's fit me that well... from what I have read about the 8090's I think they should be a better fit. I will probably go down to my LHS this weekend and try them on....

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