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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Outdoor blades

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With the weather getting warm around here again, and the snow all melted, its time for me to go out and by a bunch of blades for outside to (hopefully) last me for a while. Most of them will probbly be Easton and Koho blades, I was checkin the internet and saw this blade, http://www.hockeymonkey.com/ccm-rbv20sr.html

I play on smooth concrete and asphalt, and was wondering if anyone has ever used it on those surfaces, or outside at all. How does it hold up? I would like to get one since there are more curves available, but I dont wanna waste my money if it isnt gonna hold up. Now that I look at it I dont even think its ABS.

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It's very similar to an abs blade in feel. The v20 and v60 are fantastic blades for outdoors, and pretty durable on smooth concrete surfaces. I'd get those over Eastons anyday, as I've had several of my own and watched other peoples Easton abs blades have the lamination peel off of the blade after only a few times playing

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Yeah the eastons have never been very durable for me either. Usally go through about 5-6 a summer. But I like the Yzerman curve(except the lie) so I have been sticking with them.

If the CCM blades arent ABS, how do they hold up so well?

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I'd say go with the V60, over anything else if you're going to be outdoors. Mine lasted for a number of years playing a couple times a week on rough concrete/ashphalt. The V60 is only a couple dollars more than the V20 and is a little lighter in weight overall.

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Yeah the eastons have never been very durable for me either. Usally go through about 5-6 a summer. But I like the Yzerman curve(except the lie) so I have been sticking with them.

If the CCM blades arent ABS, how do they hold up so well?

They are ABS, or some kind of plastic or something. They wear down evenly and don't crack/chip like some of the lesser ABS reinforced blades. Either the CCM's or the Jofa/Koho ABS blades would be recommended. The CCM blades just seem to be in more "normal" patterns. The only ABS Jofa/koho blades at my LHS are those "big curve" "senior" sorta things.

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If the CCM blades arent ABS, how do they hold up so well?

They are an abs type plastic, but they also use the texallium material that ccm is big on putting into eveything anymore. If you want to go with big curve type blades, try the thornton

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I will probbly pick up a V20 at my LHS, and try it out tomarrow night. I know they have a Recchi, and the 5 lie is right up my alley, since using a 6 like wears down the heel very fast for me, espceially on concrete. Then if Im happy with it I will get more, maybe try a V-60 too. Thanks for all the replys.

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For ABS blades I use the Franklin 4005 blades. 1800faceoff.com has them for 12.99 each. I play 6 days a week for 3 hours and went through 3 the whole summer. They are awesome blades.

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ABS blades are nice for outdoors, but I don't like to spend $20 on a blade that I'm going to wear down pretty quickly so I usually just find a lot of wood blades for cheap. I got a bunch of T Flex Sakic blades off ebay awhile ago for pretty cheap, and a few years ago CycloneTaylor.com had T-Flex blades for like $3 each... so I got 30 of 'em :D . Believe it or not, I went through almost all of them in one summer :o

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The V20 and V60 are awesome for outside.Last summer those things were tanks for me and they got a good feel for them.If your gonna use any blade for concrete those are a good investment for sure.

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I agree 110% with the V60, great for outdoor hockey, never gets that typical ccm dullness either

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i use the same V20 blade for 2 summer now...i use the recchi curve...i try it in my z-bubble for my summer ice hockey league...then i switch to my new stick for ice...so i keep my z-bubble with my V20 and it still in awsome condition....these thing are 20 CND...last me more than any blade i tried on ice!(i'm going for my second year) and it FREAKING LIGHT for a 20CND blade...i'm sure it about 175 gram or less than that!

And i really like the recchi curve...so that a plus!

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yeah the V20 blade is a really great blade for the price, i have always looked at different blades, but none have ever suit me as well as the V20 Recchi blade. I would definitely go for it

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Ok could those of you who use the Recchi blade clear this up for me. I have checked a bunch of sites and they all say the lie for thr Recchi curve is a 6, but the pattern DB says its a 5. Do any of you who have used it know the correct lie?

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The V20 is the best value for your dollar in my opinion. Stay away from the Easton X-ABS.

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this is just my opinion - but i have used these ccm blades on asphalt - and i didnt really like it - the main reason is because there is a piece of wood in the middle of the blade - the blade was ok - until it got down to the piece of wood and then the blade started to split in two

my favorite blades for outdoors right now is - the koho 2100 abs blades for a small curve - and the sherwood 405 abs for a big curve

Koho 2100


Sherwood 405


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