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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Itech Jocks

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Someone who's interested in protecting themselves...

Or someone who actually has something to protect in that region. :lol:

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I'm picky about jocks. I'm currently using the UA compression shorts (not jock) with the UA performance jock over-top. I've been using it for a few months now and it's held up pretty good and probably is the most comfortable combo I've tried. The UA compression jock sucks. It's comfy and the velcro is nice, but lacks in protection.

The WSI stuff is okay, but I don't like the durability. Mine always seemed to tear rather easily.

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That's the big knock on the WSI. I've had them last a year and I've had them last a week.

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I use the WSI one. The only problem is that the cup pocket is too small. It's gotten annoying...b/c I'd be skating and the cup would totally shift and turn inside out...

I'm considering using my long WSI one and wearing a regular Jofa or Bike banana cup over it.

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I've been using the cup from my Muskokas in my WSI. My Muskokas have some stitching problems, Gary said he was going to fix them.

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Are you using just the jock or the shorts? The WSI jock has a really small pocket for the cup. It's annoying as hell. I liked the WSI loose jock, but it didn't hold up as long as the compression one, which is pretty bad.

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I always use the comp shorts combo. I use the WSI wikmax pants in colder rinks or when I ref, plus the combo.

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they are good, just like boxers. and alot of guys on my team this year started not 2 wear boxers under them cuz they are just like boxers

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