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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK inline?

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I doubt it. I don't think Jofa or Koho did so I can't see Rbk doing it.

Koho did have skates and I think a few gloves made up for inline if I remember correctly. Elbows and shins were pretty much crossover.

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Koho did have skates and I think a few gloves made up for inline if I remember correctly. Elbows and shins were pretty much crossover.

That actually where the Externo line came from last year, they were the replacement for the Koho stuff. Since the Tacks have all but disappeared, I wasn't sure if there were plans to reintroduce them for inline, and run the Vectors as an RBK model for roller

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I doubt it. I don't think Jofa or Koho did so I can't see Rbk doing it.

Koho did have skates and I think a few gloves made up for inline if I remember correctly. Elbows and shins were pretty much crossover.

Yep, you are rite. I do remember the Koho roller gloves.

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Just had a pair of 8k ice boots converted for inline with a rocker.

So so so so very sweet indeed.

Is it possible to put up a pic of those?

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unfortunatley I am a cave man and don't have a digital camera .... or a computer!

I go on this site at a mates house, cos if I had one myself I be on it all day.

I'll ask around and see if I can sort a pic out.

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i think they will sometime have roller hockey cause CCM had there Vector rollerblades and RBK bought CCM from what i know so i think some day they will have roller hockey equipment

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