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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pulled Groin

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So I pulled my groin pretty bad tonight in a game and we dont have another game for about another week. I've iced it a lot since the game and it seems to help the swelling i guess. But anyways, I was wandering has this recently happened to any of you all, or has anybody had a pulled groin in the past and know the best ways to recover the qucikest?? It hurts to hell not just when i walk,but when I just sit in a chair.....Any information would be great...appreciate it

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ya i pulled my groin really bad myself during a highschool hockey game like 5 years ago. i didn't go see the doctor or anything but i couldn't walk well for like a week and couldn't run well for almost a year. it doesn't trouble me anymore but there are times when i would either run or skate really hard that i can kinda of feel it acting up but no pain though. you should get some help at your local gym and see if there is anything they can help you with and not leave it for a year like i did. i'm sure you'll be able to skate slowly without any trouble in around a month but being game ready is a whole new story and might take a lot longer... :unsure: i highly doubt you'll be able to play next week though and if you ever get the idea that you might be ready just try to take a 60M hard run and you'll know what i mean.

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I'd say that's the minimum, JR. And it's also a lingering injury that is easy to injure again. Personally, I'd heat it more than I ice it and I'd gradually increase my depth in stretches each week.

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I tore mine.. had to go through physical therapy (with no hockey) for about 4 months along with several stretching and conditioning exercises for it to feel better. I went to the same place Forsberg went to get treated for his here in town... I haven't had issues with it since, that was about a year and a half ago.

Let me tell you, shock therapy to the groin is NO fun...

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Thanks guys...Yeah it sucks.... I just got back from the doctor/chiropractor who used to work with the dallas stars for a long time....They gave me muscle stimulation (and yes it does feel rather 'odd'). They also tweaked my body around a little which was an intersting experience to say the least....I don't know if any of you all have ever tried it or heard of Epsom Salt to put in warm baths but they said to do that for the next few days...so we'll see if it helps any. Ive heard a little about the epsom salt but im curious to see how well it works

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I do it every year during football season. I just try to stay off of it when I can, and wrap it when I have to play football or hockey. It's usually healed enough that I don't feel it at all by at least mid-season of hockey, usually less. It hurts like hell, I know. Just STAY OFF OF IT! as much as possible. Maybe even get crutches for school or work when you have to walk around a lot.

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Thanks guys...Yeah it sucks.... I just got back from the doctor/chiropractor who used to work with the dallas stars for a long time....They gave me muscle stimulation (and yes it does feel rather 'odd'). They also tweaked my body around a little which was an intersting experience to say the least....I don't know if any of you all have ever tried it or heard of Epsom Salt to put in warm baths but they said to do that for the next few days...so we'll see if it helps any. Ive heard a little about the epsom salt but im curious to see how well it works

I used to get the E-stim for my back and hamstrings. I never thought Epsom salt did much of anything but my grandmother made it sound like it could cure death itself.

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