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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ch-Ch-Check it out

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wouldn't you just put the picture of that logo onto the PSP and then there is some way to set as background?

looks great.

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wouldn't you just put the picture of that logo onto the PSP and then there is some way to set as background?

looks great

No, there is no way to set it as backround permenantly. On a side note, I learned a new trick that with a certain game i can now web browse. This is not a shot of something saved off my pc, I'm actually web browsing (sorry I'm a little exited, first time I've ever accomplished anything somewhat brainworthy with computer stuff)


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Damn. Im looking to get a PSP soon as long as my grades stay up :D i heard that it has online capabilities but was restricted to the game's features. now that you can web-browse...that's pretty sweet. it wouldnt happen to be the wayne gretzky game that comes with the PSP would it?

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wouldn't you just put the picture of that logo onto the PSP and then there is some way to set as background?

looks great

No, there is no way to set it as backround permenantly. On a side note, I learned a new trick that with a certain game i can now web browse. This is not a shot of something saved off my pc, I'm actually web browsing (sorry I'm a little exited, first time I've ever accomplished anything somewhat brainworthy with computer stuff)


How did you do that?

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wouldn't you just put the picture of that logo onto the PSP and then there is some way to set as background?

looks great

No, there is no way to set it as backround permenantly. On a side note, I learned a new trick that with a certain game i can now web browse. This is not a shot of something saved off my pc, I'm actually web browsing (sorry I'm a little exited, first time I've ever accomplished anything somewhat brainworthy with computer stuff)


How did you do that?


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wow, that's interesting. I'm suprised Sony hasn't added "internet capabilities" to the list of features yet.

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wow, that's interesting. I'm suprised Sony hasn't added "internet capabilities" to the list of features yet.

Well it is a "hack". It has nothing to do with Sony. Why didn't they just make an Internet Browser in the first place?

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i got a psp the other day, one of the last ones with spidey man 2, at least it was one of the last around here.

so now you have a DS and a PSP. Or did you trade in the DS?

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wow, that's interesting. I'm suprised Sony hasn't added "internet capabilities" to the list of features yet.

Well it is a "hack". It has nothing to do with Sony. Why didn't they just make an Internet Browser in the first place?

Probably so they can make a new PSP in the future.

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i got a psp the other day, one of the last ones with spidey man 2, at least it was one of the last around here.

so now you have a DS and a PSP. Or did you trade in the DS?

i have both, i also have a ps2 gamecube and a xbox

im trading in my ps2 for psp games and stuff

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