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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone own a Nintendo DS?

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I recently bought a Nintendo DS, and I really like it. I am hoping in the near future some more games come out for it. I am just wondering if there is anyone else out there that owns one and what games they own for it, or what they could recommend. Also does anyone know of any good Nintendo DS hacks, or anything about it's online gaming?

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I have one. I think its great, but I really dislike the game selection. I own Mario, but that gets boring quickly. Tiger Woods is fun, but I'm really waiting for Mario Kart to come out.

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stupid question but what does DS stand for. when i think DS i think of Down Syndrom(not sure if that even what its called or if the spelling right.)

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Yea I agree about the games, except Mario and Tiger Woods is pretty cool. They need to come out with some good games for it! Goldeneye is coming out soon too I think. Also they're making an app for music and mp4. I excited about that, I hope they come out with a PDA app.

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