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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Strangely Ground Skate Blades

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I was in a lhs the other day, & in the used skate department, there was a pair of Tacks (with Tuuks installed) that had the back 2/3 of the blades machined away on the sides, so that the blade was about half the thickness of a normal blade. Anyone ever heard of this? Looked like it would cut waaay too deep & have no glide at all.

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Thats gotta be it. I've just never seen them before. They looked really thin, & I think it went all the way back including the heel.

When did they try this? I was out of the sport for several years.

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Late 80s. From what I hear they were a bitch to sharpen. The blades were parabolic.

A guy brought a pair of them in a few months ago. I can confirm that sharpening them was a pain in the ass.

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I just can't imagine what the theory was behind them. I see marketing guys saying: less blade=less friction=more speed, but they look like they would cut so deep as to slow you down. No glide.

Actually the thinner the blade the shallower the hollow will be cut , so you will get more more glide. A 2.9mm blade with 1/2 inch will be slower than a 2.2 blade with 1/2 inch.

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