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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Michigan Move

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ya but he was only the second guy to do it in a high level of hockey of hockey and from what i hear hes not 2 bad a player also

Are you saying the IHL or NCAA isn't a high level of hockey? It was done on both of those leagues before he did it.

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ya but he was only the second guy to do it in a high level of hockey of hockey and from what i hear hes not 2 bad a player also

Yea, he's decent...

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ya but he was only the second guy to do it in a high level of hockey of hockey and from what i hear hes not 2 bad a player also

Yea, he's decent...

You're probably better.

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What happed to wanting to learn in to use when playing some shinny with the boys, or just muckin around while at a stick and puck. Thats what i learned it for.

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You dont really need to do it in a game, but using it at stick time or something similar is fun though.

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