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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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reebok RBK 7k

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what is the lowest price you have seen the 7k ops go for...some shops were telling me $239.99,others told me $215 or $209.99...but the lowest price i could get was $205 shipped.---------------Im just wondering because i dont want to get ripped off when i buy my 7ks

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what is the lowest price you have seen the 7k ops go for...some shops were telling me $239.99,others told me $215 or $209.99...but the lowest price i could get was $205 shipped.---------------Im just wondering because i dont want to get ripped off when i buy my 7ks

Are those Canadian prices?? We sell the stick for less than that. Sorry, I don't do mail order. Still, you should be able to find it for less. What I'm seeing is some dealers are jacking up RBK prices to take advantage of the "newness" factor and demand. One well known and beloved web site is selling it for $15 more than I am. I think once newness wears off, prices will stabilize.

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It's around the V130 price though isn't it?

each store will price them different, but since it is RBK high end, likely it will be close to the high end ccm stick

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no the prices are USD.......Jimmy how much are they at your shop

I can't post the actual price but let me say I am selling them for less than the V130, way less than $200.

You have to remember, when a new product comes out some shops will take advantage of the popularity and jack prices up. They will level off.

BTW, $199 CND for a V130 shaft is ridiculous!

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I was looking at the V120 shafts the other day for $180cdn. Some of the prices are weird around here. Worst part is I got a free pro stick that night.... V120 shaft :)

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