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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick buying help

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Hi, I am in the market for a new stick. I was wondering what choice I should make. I generally like TPS sticks because of the Whip flex. I'm 5'9" and 140lbs, age 15. I have been looking at possibly either a Rubber Response or an Adrenaline. But would their be any other sticks I should consider? Any help would be appreciated :) thanks

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Take a look at the review section. If you like that flex, check out the Pattern DB and see if others make a similar flex. Take a look for a curve you can use as well. Decide whether you want a grip stick or not. Take a look at your budget. There's also a "what you are using" thread which tells most of the members sticks, take a look around there. People generally will get rid of something they don't like.

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I have had an XN10 shaft before but I thought it was great but I'm lookin for a stick that has somethin 'special' about it. Grip, shock relief, etc. Thanks anyways

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Then get the Adrenaline, you liked the Xn10, this supposedly has something "special" about it and you can add grip to any stick.

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I love my adrenaline...Thing shoots rockets, and my favorite thing is the feel....Its just like a wood stick.....One step up from the Xn10....

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I prefer tapered shaft and blade over OPS. You can use a real wood blade for better feel or a comp blade for more durability. If you like the TPS, get an R2 or R2xn10 in whip flex. Depending on what curve you prefer, you have several options on what brand of blade you can use. I use custom wood blades, but the christian composite blades are the best feeling composite blades I've ever used.

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