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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate sizing

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i wear n 9 in mission and am thinking about gettin XV's in a 9.I can get them for a nice price so im thinking about buying them.Will the amount of room be incredibly noticable or will i be ok? does wearing extra socks work? m y feet are still growing.

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i wear n 9 in mission and am thinking about gettin XV's in a 9.I can get them for a nice price so im thinking about buying them.Will the amount of room be incredibly noticable or will i be ok? does wearing extra socks work? m y feet are still growing.

I wear a 9 D1C right now, I had a 8.5D pair of Bauer XV's. I could have fit into a 8D. You need to try the skates on, same answer you've heard problably a dozen times now between here and over at corebeam.

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you definately want to try the skates on. Even if there is a company to company translation and recomended size in relation to your shoe size, you still might fit in a size better than the recomended one.

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you definately want to try the skates on. Even if there is a company to company translation and recomended size in relation to your shoe size, you still might fit in a size better than the recomended one.

I'd have to agree on this one. Very few people are a "perfect" whatever size.

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Guest phillyfan

A general rule of thumb:

CCM/Bauer/Easton/Graf:1.5 sizes down from shoe size

Nike has a different size difference in each line of skates they make.

Mission: 0.5 sizes down from shoe size

Tour: 0.5 sizes down from shoe size

Quoted from 1800faceoff.com Holiday 2003 Catalog.

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A general rule of thumb:

CCM/Bauer/Easton/Graf:1.5 sizes down from shoe size

Nike has a different size difference in each line of skates they make.

Mission: 0.5 sizes down from shoe size

Tour: 0.5 sizes down from shoe size

Quoted from 1800faceoff.com Holiday 2003 Catalog.

That's incorrect.

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I don't agree with that, I wear a 9 W Graf, and am fitted for a 9.5 EE Bauer. And a few years ago, I was fitted for both Bauers and CCMs and they were different sizes. The sad thing is, people who don't know any better buy skates online like that and just put up with them being the wrong size.

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