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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Blade Opening

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I've been using a R2 XN10 with a shanny synthesis blade for a few months now and haven't had any problems with it, but at practice last night about every other shot it seem that I couldnt put anything on it and the puck went way wide. After trying to figure it out for awhile it seems that the blade kind of "opens up". I'm not sure if its me or the blade because it doesn't seem to happen every shot (Shots near the toe seem to be the most affected). Any ideas on what could be going on?

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your blade is losing stiffness? happens all the time on wood blades for me. Comp blades usually break before they get that old for me.

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I've never had that problem with a TPS shaft. simple way to figure out is to try and twist the blade by hand.

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Ditto to what Chad said. I have an XN10 and have noticed blade fatique. Of course, the one I'm using is an early model, so it could have been worked out in later releases.

With blade fatigue, the blade could open up causing the problems you're talking about (especially if it's got a good curve to it - the larger the curve, the more the opportunity for the blade to straighten out/open up during hard shooting).

I, like Chad, have never had a problem with either my C8 Response or C10 XN10 shaft torquing in such a way as to cause the blade to open up. I'm betting it's your blade, bro.

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Sorry, I just read the post again. (I have too much on my mind and I cannot concentrate.)

Yeah, if the blade is a few months old, it's definitely that.

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I've never had that problem with a TPS shaft. simple way to figure out is to try and twist the blade by hand.

What should I be looking/feeling for when I twist the blade?

100th post

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I've never had that problem with a TPS shaft. simple way to figure out is to try and twist the blade by hand.

What should I be looking/feeling for when I twist the blade?

100th post

movement. Put your thumb in the middle of the blade and try pulling the toe towards you with your fingers. Also try one hand on the back of the heel and pushing the toe back with the other. If the blade is the problem you will feel movement.

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There seems to be alittle movement but not much...1/8" or less maybe. Could that be the problem?

Does the top of the blade move more than the bottom? It very well could be part of the problem. It only has to move slightly to throw your shot off.

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I don't know how great of an idea this was but I used a vice to hole the heel end of the blade still to see how much the toe would move and it moves about 1/4" both ways. The top doesn't seem to be moving any more than the bottom.

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First off - those blades were ROCK hard when new - so any movement indicates some fatique.

Next - when you test it for movement, is there any noise? Kind of a chrunchy, squeaking noise?

Is the braid of the composite starting to unravel or show signs of seperation? (have to take the tape off to check that out obviously).

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No and No. But I'm becoming more and more sure that something is wrong with it. I went and took some shots a few minutes ago and my shots were very inconsistant and didn't seem to have the same "zip" on them as they usually do.

There does seem to be a change in the pattern of the braid at about the point that the toe starts to curve(braid is slanted), but it just may be from the curving of the blade and not from stress on those points.

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