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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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eagle dealers

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Are there any places online that I could get about any color Eagle glove that are in the catalog? It seems that most places only have basic options...

On a side note, When will the 2005 Eagles be hitting the stores?

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It all depends on what color you want and what color the dealers ordered. I have some of my gloves coming as early as next month with deliveries coming in june and july as well.

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Are there any places online that I could get about any color Eagle glove that are in the catalog? It seems that most places only have basic options...

On a side note, When will the 2005 Eagles be hitting the stores?

I think you'll have trouble finding a dealer with every color model size Eagle. They have so many color combos. Most dealer go with the standard colors. That's the safe thing to do considering you don't want to get left with a lot of wierd colors at the end of the season. A dealer can order you the colors you want if they don't have it in stock

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I've heard that Eagles can take a long time to be ordered/recieved so i dont know if i want to do that...but if anyone had pictures of the navy/silver X80's I would really like to see them. It seems that some online dealers have them but dont show any pictures.

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Try hockeymonkey.com. They have a good selection of Eagles, and if you can't find the info on their site, call their store in OC, CA

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I've heard that Eagles can take a long time to be ordered/recieved so i dont know if i want to do that...but if anyone had pictures of the navy/silver X80's I would really like to see them. It seems that some online dealers have them but dont show any pictures.

design 2 or 5?

By the way X80s aren't in the catalog anymore.

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