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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Trying to adjust to a new stick after 5 years

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I stacked up on sticks that I’ve been using for over 5 years and I’m on my last stick. I’ve been using the same curve flex all this time. How difficult will my transition be?

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I used to have a lot of trouble adjusting to new sticks, even when they had the same curve. It used to take me like a month or more to dial in on the new stick. But when I started giving my shot a little more TLC, part of that process of improving involved using different flexes, curves, kick-points, lies, and brands and alternating between them during practice sessions, so I was constantly uncomfortable. The better my mechanics became, the easier it became to switch sticks. I went from needing several shooting sessions to adjust to a new stick to now needing only hour or less. Once I'm dialed in to a stick, I find I can comfortably switch between  sticks mid-game.

How difficult the transition will be IMHO will be how sound your mechanics are and how much practice time you can dedicate to just shooting around with the stick. If you're only ever using the new stick during a game, the transition period will probably be longer.

My 2cents

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What is the stick you stocked up on? Your difficultly, or lack their of, will have something to do with what you move to. 

Or it's all mental (personally, I'd never admit to this...)

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^^^  Like he said, what did you stock up on?  (Don't be embarrassed, I still have about a dozen wood Graf sticks from when they were discontinuing them and I thought I'd be using wood forever.)

I'd bet that if you were already using one-piece composites in a popular curve, you should easily be able to find something similar.

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On 11/18/2017 at 2:29 AM, Jagrsson said:

I stacked up on sticks that I’ve been using for over 5 years and I’m on my last stick. I’ve been using the same curve flex all this time. How difficult will my transition be?

I find that there's no huge adjustments needed as long as the lie is the same. Different curves will give me more lift or less lift.

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