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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Unique off ice training methods

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Does anyone have any? My dog takes a big interest in when I'm trying to practice puck handling. He does it more when I'm using my hockey ball than the green bisquit, but I kinda use him as my training buddy to practice puck protection. He always tries to get around me but I try to block him off. I wish I had a go pro to film it cause he's really cute. 

I always like to hear about off ice training methods, no matter how strange they may be. 

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Getting myself a sauce kit soon but if ya wanna hear about a crazy method that really works, get a golf ball and cut your stick exactly where it measures up when you are on the ice remember ur shorter on ur feet and you can always drop an extension to bring it back up when ur on ice and make it a habit everywhere u go u have to keep the golf ball on your stick and you have to keep ur head up .. Do this at home lol believe it or not I take it to the pisser with me .. It's weird but it keeps me sharp .

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