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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/24/15 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Asked Rob and he said that he could stiffen up the area! So, that's good news! Metatarsal different color with embroidery:
  2. 1 point
    Try to focus on Y-theory- the idea that you will come out of the crease as far as possible, and then retreat as they come close and driving towards just past the post when you hit the top of the crease and have forced them to make a move. Your pattern would look like a reverse Y. Here is what (current Caps) well-known goalie coach Mitch Korn says about playing breakaways. http://www.mitchkorn.com/breakaway.html Y-theory If you are getting beat on multiple moves on the same play, you are probably backing up too quickly. They shouldn't really have enough space to make more than one deke once you start to move. The biggest thing is getting out of the crease so that you can match their speed backing up and will have enough momentum to create a strong push. Some NHL tendies, including MAF, have started using a hybrid, almost VH, stance on shootouts where the player doesn't come right down the middle. He will start normally, but as he backs up he will drop the inside knee lower to take away a 5 hole shot and get one pad closer to the ice. I almost forces shooters to the far side and he explodes of the upright leg to that side. If they go to the short side, he has to go a shorter distance so he is able to use the down leg to push. I can't find a pic of it, but maybe if you look at enough videos you can see it. He is just screwing around in this video, so it's not his real movement, but if you watch the first few saves, you can see him drop his knee, then push.
  3. 1 point
    ^^^ Her and she appears to love 'um. I expected to have a bit of pain(the heels look small) and she said the there a bit hot there on the bake, but nada, great...1.5 hour drop in today and said they were good as gold, bingo, like her 28K's.(28Ks seemed really soft, IMO). Son took dump for the Utes as well, lot of swag(clothing), new Re-ACT(I get his from last year), gloves(Sherwood T-90's he is not a fan) & a bunch of EK15's(pay $100 for them, get name & #) which he loves(first time holding one).
  4. 1 point
    Looks like the hard plastic coating they use to protect the toe cap. Alright! Put in an order, let's see if they'll be able to accommodate the design requests (mock ups I created in about a night): LS Edge 263mm Holders pre-installed (without the steel, I'll be installing my own)Built-in 4mm shims??? -- I kept bottoming out on my current VH skates near the forefoot areas, please recommend a proper height adjustment or solutionVH Logo Blacked Out (Instep & Outstep logos) but keep "VH Footwear" text Black Wick LinerNylon Plastic Toe Cap OverlayEnhanced Sidewall ProtectionOne-Piece Polymer Tendon Guard"VH" logo on back of Tendon Guard in a gold metallic -- similar to the silver metallic material you use for the VH logo along the instep/outstep of the boot, but in goldBlack felt tongue with Black Enhanced Metatarsal Guard with white "MC 88" embroideryWhite-accented leather on front of Tongues -- White accents along the sides, with a black middle sectionRust-Resistant Eyelet Coating -- Preferably an all black coating. Here in California, we have very humid weather and my current VH skates didn't withstand the humidity and developed a lot of rust in a short amount of time.White accented leather material down eyelet 3 and black leather material down eyelet 4 and around the back of the bootBlack on Black and White on White Stitching Thread
  5. 1 point
    Paid my car off today. Looking forward to having an extra $220 a month I haven't had for the last 5 years.
  6. 1 point
    ^^^ Added bonus(don't think it's happening), mom can fit in her 2.5 Jr Reebok 28K's. But maybe we'll keep 'um just the same.
  7. 1 point
    Out with the old, in with the new... The Little One got new skates today.
  8. 1 point
    zuccarello apx2's

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