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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/29/23 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    After @JR Boucicaut was able to get us into the Warrior facility at SJ for a tour and product debriefing, I have been jonesing for an Alpha LX. The problem is that the dont make my pattern. Well, thanks to PSH one came up today (Thank you Cody Glass for rocking the P46!!) and I pulled the trigger. Can't wait to get it!!!! Will update when it arrives.
  2. 1 point
    The FT6 and FT6 Pro both have the Aer-Tec suspension system. I think it does make a difference in the shoulders and shins. Maybe a slight difference in the elbows, but the new strapping systems seem to be the biggest improvement with those. In the pants, there is no discernible difference at all. The main difference between the FT6 Pro and the FT6 is the FT6 has less ZoteFoam / DryFoam. See images below.
  3. 1 point
    TC2 is a P92, not a P90. That would be the TC6. All the TRUE stick curve names will be changing this year though to be closer to other brands... Thank God! The new sticks releasing this year will have that curve offering.
  4. 1 point
    They do. I've seen them. Funny enough, on one of their lines, it's an exact Bauer Benn version of the curve (but still max height), on another line, it's the ccm p90tm. I'm also very particular, so am very aware of all the nuances of the pattern. By my eye, it looks like this: Bauer Benn: highest lie, deepest kink which doesn't begin until the tip of the toe. It seems this was created from a p19 (not off a 92). Bauer also has a p90tm version, a clone of the ccm version. CCM p90tm: lower lie, more gradual curve with a longer, but moderate toe pocket, very slight kink at the very end. True TC6: closer to a p28/p92 hybrid. lowest lie, narrower heel. I believe True now offers an exact Benn replica as well (at the pro/sponsor level). Warrior p90T: the closest thing to Benn pro stock, but the kink is not as sharp as Bauer. Sherwood: As discussed. I have a lot of trouble switching between these versions. For me, the Benn plays much differently than a 90tm. Again, I'm super picky.
  5. 1 point
    Just found out True has TC2.5T which is their p90TM clone. Doesn’t seem to be much info/advertising on it. I think a good number of sellers don’t realize what it is, and just list it online as a TC2.5. Even the name bar says “Marner,” which is the name on the TC2, so it’s confusing AF. Would be easy to miss if you’re glancing through a stick rack. Bought one for my wife on sale on SLS, and we were pleasantly surprised when it was the p90TM clone and not just a 5 lie p92.

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