Thanks. I’ll see how things progress. If it looks like it starts to get worse and appears that the boot is being compromised in any way I’ll try a thin layer of clear epoxy first. Im personally just not a fan of the shot blocker look. I know I know. But that could wind up being a necessity so appreciate that advice
These were $500. So not the end of the world in terms of them being very expensive skates. I’ve used the clamp multiple times trying to find the exact spot but it’s hard to pinpoint. I def have some relief but it’s not completely gone. The inner foams are very compressed where I punched it out. I’m going to try the cotton ball trick as my last option and then just see if it goes away from using them over time. I’ve only skated in them 3x so far. It’s annoying and I got blisters but nothing to the point where I couldn’t skate anymore. This is just a very new experience for me with modern skates. I’ve never had pain in that area before.