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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Yup...that's why I'm interested....I could care less about playing with it... I have other sticks for that....I used to do the WW2 stuff when I was in College...just think it would look cool in my Man Cave with all of my stuff. So....again...if anyone has a source I'd appreciate it.
  2. Anyone have a source for the Graf stick??? that is sweet looking....love the WW2 pinup and mustang look.
  3. Helmet: NBH8500 - Fairly light weight, SUPER adjustable. Once I dialed it in it locks on to my head, don't even notice it Visor: Bauer straight cut. Works fine. Wouldnt mind a shorter cut, but it's alright. Fogs a bit. Shoulder pads: DR Legend Series. Super light weight, comfortable....Much better than my super old flak jacket...Love it. Elbow pads: El Cheapo Bauer ones right now, old school style. I still can't settle in on comfortable ones. Looking for some old JOFA's. Gloves: Old, Easton GX1300...I LOVE these gloves, but they are falling apart. Getting used to the Bauer 4 rolls now..nice, just not used to the loose fit. Pants: Tackla 2500: What can I say, old and comfortable...getting snug...I must be getting old. Shin pads: Easton Airs, Very comfortable and durable. Skates: Bauer Supreme 4000.... I love them, but they are falling apart...starting to shop for new ones. Stick: Current is an Easton S11...only used it a few times but I love it. I was using an NBH XXXX....I like the Easton a lot more.
  4. I just had my skates done at my LHS. I was skating on 1/2", they said the 100/75 was comparable. I skated on them yesterday and they REALLY had some bite. They felt great skating and turning...felt way to sharp while stopping. Should I try the 100/50 next?
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