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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. Random pic of some of my gear in my garage:
  2. Update on pants and sticks: Helmet: Bauer 4500 Shoulders: Farrel HG500 Elbows: Easton S9 Gloves: Reebok 4 rolls Pants: Combat 52 cal Shins: Rbk 5k Skates: Mission NME Nine-1 Sticks: Combat 52 cal shaft w/ Warrior Bandito blade, 3x Combat 45 cal, CCM U+ CL
  3. I'm with you on the GX cuff. Saw some GX9500 go for $30 on ebay the other day, all blue looked like original palms. Kinda kicking myself for not getting them
  4. I'm not sure either. I was just thinking it was like that because I remember the old Airs marketing some new Wrist Wrap. I'll see if I can find a link to the gloves I'm thinking of Edit: Pretty sure I'm wrong so I'll edit that post. I typed in Easton Air Wrist Wrap II and it looks the same as the 800 cuff. My bad Double Edit: I think it is a slash guard like on there Airs: http://www.hockeyworld.com/index/page/product/product_id/624 You can kinda make out the writing on the slash guard, looks like Wrist Wrap II
  5. Helmet: Bauer 4500 Shoulders: NB One50 Elbows: Easton S9 Gloves: Reebok 4 rolls (Also have Rbk 8k, Rbk 9k, Bauer 4 rolls, Cooper HG900, Cooper HG700, Eagle x70 and Eagle x90) Pants: Tackla Air 9000Z Shins: Rbk 5k Skates: Mission NME Nine-1 Sticks: Combat 52 cal shafts w/ TPS R6 MA Bergeron blades Update on gloves and sticks
  6. I got the Mighty Ducks and Devils Cooper 4 rolls too. Love em
  7. New pickup. Got black and vegas gold Reebok 4 rolls and 2 McCarty pro stock Mission Fuel Ti-Pro's coming in soon
  8. Helmet: Bauer 4500 Shoulders: NB One50 Elbows: Easton S9 Gloves: Rbk 8k and Rbk 9k (Also have Bauer 4 rolls, Cooper HG900, Cooper HG700, Eagle x70 and Eagle x90 but none are team colors) Pants: Tackla Air 9000Z Shins: Rbk 5k Skates: Mission NME Nine-1 (Brand new, haven't skated in them yet) Sticks: Synergy II shaft w/ Warrior Dolomite Weight, Warrior Kronik Pro Stock Holmstrom w/ Warrior Dolomite Weight
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