Well i went to my moms exes house to grab some clothes and what not and i see (who was my step sister) walking up the driveway after getting off the bus, she then drops all her shit in the middle of the driveway, sprints up to the house shuts and locks the fucking door right in my face! so i get over it and knock on the door and ask to some in to grab some stuff she walks to the door, makes this weird smile and sticks out her tongue. i all but put my foot through the glass and right into her fucking face. I threw some cuss words (many many bad words) throw a few pebbles at her bedroom window and drove the fuck off. she might have my user name and password so, Emily if you see this do my family a damn favor AND DROP DEAD! :D (and no this is not possessed to make it sound less harsh, its me sitting here lol'ing at my own post and regretting that i didn't plant my size 10 timby so far up your ass the it woke your doctor up!)