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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Tom90

  1. That's hard to say based on my personal experience in the last years. I have used last Bauer stick (2N Pro) probably only 5-10 times because i liked my other stick more. And even if this Bauer stick would have broken it could be bad luck...
  2. The blades on my last CCM Sticks( Ribcore 3d, Ribcore Pro, Trigger 2, AS1) held up pretty well. They definetly improved in comparison to the original Supertacks or the Speedburner. I have not used too many Bauer sticks in the last years and i feel like the blades are too soft for my liking but they held up fine. From my experience True has the worst blades. Had two sticks(original A4.5 and 2nd A5.2 SBP) which were unusable after 1 or 2 weeks each. Same for Supertacks.
  3. Relax! He probably meant that they don't continue to change the whole line every year. Only replace the top of the line stick and change the rest every two years. At least thats waht i heard.
  4. Tom90

    Gel STX

    If you want to get stronger do strength training. If you want to get better at stickhandling, practice stickhandling with your regular stick. Same with shooting.
  5. Is there any chance to try Base sticks in Europe/Germany or are there plans to sell them here? Read about the sticks in this forum years ago and always wanted to try them. Especially when i see Tyler McNeely play with them here in Rosenheim.
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