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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  • Skates
    Easton eq50
  • Hockey Bag
    Easton eq4
  • Shin Pads
    CCM V08 LE
  • Elbow Pads
    CCM V08 LE
  • Shoulder Pads
    Bauer pro series
  • Pants
    CCM V08
  • Helmet
    Bauer 5100 w/ Oakley modified aviator
  • Gloves
    Eagle X65
  • Stick
    Warrior Dolomite, Bauer One95

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  1. Its not too big a deal for me. I prefer clear sticks personally, but the velvet stuff was awesome because it was not too grippy and tacky, yet did not feel slippery. Its hard to describe, but it was like a clear, but not slippery clear. The stick is in one piece structurally so I would rather not send it through warranty unless it snapped or something. Just doesn't feel right claiming it for warranty because of peeling grip haha. The stick is pretty awesome though.
  2. Note - Grip coating on the AK one piece peels off very fast. I am not sure if I just have like a defective coated stick but I bought a AK one piece and the velvet grip stuff just peels right off very fast. All over the shaft I have spots where it is just peeling off. Other than that, shoots awesome and may just be my new favorite stick.
  3. Doesn't Stamkos use a straight up P92 (backstrom) ?
  4. was actually planning on going into cyclone taylor tom to see if they had the x65 in store as stated on their site. I will check to see if they have the 2010 ppf's also and will check to see the kangaroo pockets. On a side note, if anyone has any info on the x65, and details or info ?
  5. Have always wanted a pair of gloves with msh2 palms (briefly owned a pair of eagle ppf's that were a bit too roomy overall so got rid of them) and am reluctant to shell out $200 on any glove. What my question is, if someone would know the price points, what would be the cheapest eagle glove with full msh2 and best bang for buck.
  6. Skates: ccm u+09 Gloves: white tufftek eagle ppf, black bauer 4roll pro, black with white stripe nike bauer xxxx pro Shoulders: ccm v08 LE Elbows: ccm v08 LE Shins: ccm v08 LE Helmet: bauer 5100 Visor: Oakley pro modified aviator (grey) Pants: ccm v08 Sticks: Easton Stealth grip (original) 100flex Sakic, AK27 shaft 100flex/Easton ST Sakic, Easton s17 Sakic x2 100flex Bag: Black RBK 5k deluxe 36" Skate Socks: Cyclone taylor long, HeatGear Seamless skate socks Just picked up the s17's got a good deal on them from a friend. CCM u+09 fit like a sock on my foot literally. Preferred them over RBK 9k and S15 skate, Bauer x60 and u+reloaded were a little too pricy. CCM LE protective are really comfy and protective and at the same time mobile. The Bauer 5100 helmet is extremely comfortable and in my mind very underrated.
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