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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About delpiero27

  • Birthday 03/27/1973

Profile Information

  • Interests
    hockey & architecture.
  • Location
    Roveredo In Piano - PN - ITALY

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  1. Rebuild list: Helmet: NBH 5500 white + itech aviator cut tinted shield. Shoulders: still CCM Tacks 662 smu. Pants: NBH Supreme 70 black Shins & Elbow: still Koho 4460 Gloves: NBH pro 4 roll penguins Ice Skates: Nike V9 T-Blades + NBH supreme70 Roller Skates: Easton Z-Air + Sherwood frame OPS: Bauer vapor xxx pm9-regular + Rbk 5K -modano-whip + Easton S11 forsberg-regular+ TPS Adrenaline C12C morrow-regular
  2. just added: Gloves: TPS HGT Pro - Tkachuk Stick: TPS Adrenaline - Morrow i'm happy!!!!
  3. last update: Helmet: Itech HC100 gold + itech aviator cut tinted shield. Shoulders: CCM Tacks 662 smu. Pants: CCM tacks 892 smu navy. Shins & Elbow: Koho 4460 Gloves: Easton Synergy 750 smu navy Ice Skates: NBH supreme70 :P Roller Skates: Nike V-9 ice + Sherwood frame Sticks: ops Bauer Vap XXX - PM9 :lol: ope Bauer Vap V - PM9 a bunch of woodies ... one more ops to come!!! (still haven't decided yet wich one...)
  4. That SHAFT look familiar.... ok, ok, now it's official: consider it yours! :lol:
  5. simply because it's more easy if you want to carry more than one stick anytime you go playing... :P (and, btw, the stick bags are great when you buy sticks during a holiday in us / canada and you have to carry them to italy by plane...) :lol:
  6. hope now is fixed and working...
  7. here's my stuff... :lol:
  8. just updated something, so here's the last version: Helmet: Itech HC1505 white with black cage. Shoulders: CCM Tacks 662 smu. Pants: CCM tacks 892 smu navy. Shins: Koho 4460 Elbow: koho 4460 Gloves: Easton Synergy 750 smu navy. excellent. and the wrist wrap II is amazing. Ice Skates: Easton z-air. simply awesome. i know they're old, but i still love them. Roller Skates: converted ice Nike V-9 with Sherwood aluminum frame. tried sunday for the first time, and they're great. Jock: itech, the yellow one... Sticks: Easton Ultra Lite 110flex plus some wooden. will be added some ops soon i hope. soon will add pics in "show it off" section...
  9. right... :P i need it back one day...
  10. just to know JR, it's going to be scanned soon or somebody don't let you put it on-line? thanks for the others in any case... :lol:
  11. helment:itech 1550 withe with black cage gloves: koho 2255 rev pants: easton HP2000air shoulder pad: easton ultra lite 04 elbow pads: easton ultra lite 04 shin: easton z-air 01 skates: easton z-air sticks: ccm vector 110 and easton ultra lite graphite
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