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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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icewalker_bg last won the day on May 6 2017

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  1. The p08 is much more open than the p28 imo. Older Gionta type of you can find them?
  2. Trigger 2, P29. I like the new thin taper and the Bauer like finish on the blade.
  3. Played with one for a bit at the LHS, always loved the shaft on these and it felt like a really really good stick, probably a touch blade heavy. Would love to own one but I am not crazy enough to spend close to 400$ on one.
  4. ^still, that is pretty bad, I have never seen anything like this.
  5. Super busy arena tonight, decided to take a short video to see what I look like with a knee brace. Really sucks dislocating a knee, but it it what it is, there is worst.
  6. I noticed you may have an extra Easton E700 helmet? I am in need of the pads as I am down to Velcro and it is really uncomfortable. Let me know, thanks!

  7. Nothing major to brag about, but finally found a decent P19 stick, impossible curve to find locally and I love that curve. Kids flex unfortunately, will have to cut it an inch or two shorter.
  8. If stick and puck means shinny / drop in hockey, i have seen plenty of people get passes / shots on the shins, and quite frankly its annoying if we start playing and have to be super careful because of these guys. I know this effing idiot that i see almost every time at shinny and almost every time he gets it in the shins, and then starts complaining lol
  9. Exaclty the same, shimmed the inside of the holders, hated it. I am lucky to have found a perfecty fitting skate for my skinny feet, but spent way more than a custom skate while searching, you should consider it if it gets too complicated. I am sure you are aware in pretty much every brand you can get a/aa/aaa heel, wider forefoot, different stiffness and so on...
  10. Yes, heatgun and screwdriver handle. There is a video made by Easton on youtube you can look up.
  11. Ya i used to skate in 735's back then on my quest to find a boot that locks my heel, way too soft my pronation was worst. I have the feeling you would fit perfectly in S17/SE16 - super stiff boot with great support - the narrowest heel with very thick pads around the heel area i tried at retail level - wider forefoot, R (D) felt like a EE
  12. Just throwing it put there, are you sized properly, can you brush / feel the front of the boot? Maybe a boot too big?
  13. I used to use thicker socks (sometimes 2 pairs), and ez ankle booties before I met the Mako skates, while I was in Bauer / Reebok. I had a few pairs but I believe I gave them away here on MHS, I can see in my stash if I have a pair left I can throw your way. Not sure if that is a route you are willing to go, but I can almost guarantee you the ankle booties will lock your heel like never before, might be worth it if everything else is perfect. I didnt mind wearing them and wouldve continued to wear but there is no need in Makos for me, you must a have a really really narrow heel, or the EE has a much wider heel than the D I am used to (as I have a narrow heel and it locks solid). https://www.ezeefitsports.com/product-p/011.htm
  14. No idea if there is a difference in the heel area between ee and d, what i do know is how to make the heel area tighter. Remove tendon guard, take a heat gun and gently heat the upper heel area until soft, using a clamp or your fingers and towel squeeze the soft material (not carbon fiber) until desired width.
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