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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. 112 flex you say? Anymore where that came from? ;)
  2. Yeah thanks, that's my brother, he actually ordered Smiths a few months before he (Pete) went to Warrior. He was going to be one of the last Smiths produced, but Pete offered him the Rituals when he realized he wouldln't be able to finish the back orders. My brother probably posted them all over the GF boards, he doesn't really stray away from there.
  3. Won the Rec B Championship last night, I'm the guy in the black Reebok Helmet
  4. They look like they could be fun, I may have to try and get my hands on one...
  5. Are the gloves in your pic the ones recieved?
  6. Is that a proof they send back after the initial order or is there an a realtime customizer that isn't on pshg?
  7. Damn they don't have the colorways I want in my size... nice pick up though, love the baby pens gloves too
  8. Where did you pick those up?
  9. 9KO Pro Stock on the left and a 6K on the right, 87A pattern Better pic
  10. Old twig on the left new on the right Best pricepoint stick out there IMHO
  11. I love the simplicity of them, dead sexy gloves UCLA
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