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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

Justin 1933

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Everything posted by Justin 1933

  1. Guys, First off don't worry about the "Tron Guys" building the skates. Joe is still running Alkali and was always part of the development and creation of the original Alkali skates. He knows what he is doing. Also, he came to me for my opinions and thoughts on the skates, and I helped tweak the design, colors, fit, etc. As for the Nylon vs purlyn argument, the new skates that were launched have plenty of stiffness and durability from my experience.
  2. Amazing how much the Peak Speed skates looked like Alkali skates with a color change.
  3. Graf and Alkali were made at the same factory. I never skated the 707, but as you will read, the vast majority of people that try Alkali love them.
  4. Alkali gloves fit like a traditional roll glove. They are a little snug on the backhand, but that varies depending on the thickness of a player's hand. I personally played with the back hand pad flipped out.
  5. I think you may fit just fine in the 6.5 personally. I am 10 shoe and wear an Alkali 8.5. Most people with a shoe size below 10, go down 1.5 sizes in the sizing I have done.
  6. You have to remember that most people do not buy High End skates. The majority of inline skates sales is below $199. When we built the RPE line, it was not a replacement for the RPD line, but an additional line that would fit in certain price points we didn't offer. Many players we talked to said the Magnesium chassis was not really worth the extra cost (and believe me it cost dramatically more than regular aluminum). Based on that feedback, we decided to offer a high end boot at a better price. Sales were actually up significantly last year and from what I have heard and picking back up again (post-sale).
  7. Correct. The Movement chassis is currently not being sold. Labeda sells an aftermarket chassis if you are looking for something similar.
  8. The Zenith, Visium, and Rival are all built in the wider fit. The new skates come in different price points, to fit areas Alkali was missing. For example, the Zenith is the perfect skate for the person who doesn't care about a Mag chassis. The Visium will have Purlyn at a lower price than the Shift +.
  9. The Zenith is built on a wider last and has a larger toe box. Same internals as a RPD Max+
  10. It is. I believe the skates have already shipped to the warehouse. Should be out shortly.
  11. I would just leave it and give it a shot. It look like it is mounted into the inside which is not really an issue. I don't think you will notice it.
  12. Your best option is to have them remounted by your local store. It is the only way to get them fixed quickly and economically.
  13. Alkali is not going anywhere. There is the new RPE line, but things have been in transition since the sale. Everything should shake out by the new year. They still have plenty of stock on the current line, which is not even a full year old.
  14. No, bauer did not buy them. A private company bought them, and things are moving on as normal.
  15. Just e-mail joe again, or send an email to george@alkalisports.com and copy joe on it.
  16. not sure what the issue is. I just sent Joe a message and it worked.
  17. Alex does not work there anymore. That is why your e-mail doesn't go through. Try joe@alkalihockey.com
  18. https://www.facebook.com/285704271507894/photos/a.677614542316863.1073741826.285704271507894/895382797206702/?type=1&theater Go Alkali's Facebook for a pic if the link doesn't work for you.
  19. RPE+ Skate on display at State Wars - This skate is built for the player with the wider foot. Over-sized toe box, wider last, foam/felt combo tongue allows for increased volume. https://www.facebook.com/285704271507894/photos/np.1438710834579111.1352354014/895382797206702/?type=1&notif_t=notify_me_page
  20. The quarter upgrade is huge. There is a major difference in that area. I would go with Shift+ if it is in your price range. That is what I use.
  21. I would contact the place you bought them right now. They may be able to help you.
  22. Do you have a skate issue or a wheel issue. If you have a wheel issue, contact Labeda.
  23. I have had numerous IM's and just wanted to let everyone know I was let go from Alkali three weeks ago. I will still try to answer product questions, but can't help with any warranty issues. It was a great ride, but hopefully I will be back soon.
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