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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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1 Neutral


  • Skates
    RBK 11K
  • Gloves
    Warrior Franchise
  • Stick
    Easton CNT Stealth

Profile Information

  • Location
    Montreal, Quebec
  • Gender
  1. I almost had to....very tough score.
  2. Very very happy with my latest pickups.
  3. Agree, I definitely want one of those badboys!
  4. Scott, in awe of the collection, beauties! Amazing jersey above, been dying to get a London Knights jersey from a few years ago, but never had any luck, it's too hard to get them without buying a Kadri or Gagner game worn for 600$ or so :(
  5. Good lord that's a beauty.
  6. Huge fan of the 8.0.8, I actually like it more than the 11K. I just like the kick better.
  7. Mine dont stick well enough for some reason, I think the velcro isn't thick enough. I should upgrade from my Mission shorts jock to a new one I suppose.
  8. I'd get one of those also. Im sick of having to sew on the velcro straps to pro stock socks.
  9. What kind of blades are those Scott?
  10. I was unaware Scott Stevens came out of retirement.
  11. Those gloves are BEAUTIES. Well freeking done!
  12. A.MAZE.ING. Gorgeous.
  13. Nice gloves man! Really digging the silver on the outside!
  14. Anyone else getting flashbacks of the Coach's Corner where Cherry smashed those elbow pads/shoulder pads? Scary stuff thinking about getting hit by one of those, by say, Nick Kronwall?
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