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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About SR27

  • Birthday 08/18/1978


  • Skates
    Easton S15 + Mission Hi-Lo
  • Hockey Bag
    TPS Simple Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Jofa 6080
  • Elbow Pads
    RBK 5K
  • Shoulder Pads
    RBK Padded Roller Hockey Shirt
  • Pants
    Opus 2000 Pant+Girdle
  • Helmet
    RBK 6K
  • Gloves
    Easton S9 Pro Stock
  • Stick
    TPS R2 XN10 2-piece

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Hmm?! Hockey?!
  • Location
    Ratingen, Germany
  • Gender

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  1. Had them done today. Still looking for the black/silver Hornets, though. :lol:
  2. They got all I need and they do ship to Germany but at 4 times the usual rate.
  3. I am currently assembling parts to convert Easton S15. Anyone did that? Planning to put a sanded Mission 7000 series aluminum on them and hopefully some of the black Rink Rat Hornets to keep them completely silver/black. I got no idea where to get the Rink Rats, though. They´re not available over here. Anyone give me a lead or hook-up, please :D
  4. There´s an RDS live feed tonight for free. here: http://www.justin.tv/habstv
  5. TRON? Seriously nice helmet.
  6. Germany Stealth, huh? I see you are getting into toe curves as well? :P While we are at it. New shipment of pro-stock XN10 OPS just in. A 2-pack for 90$ shipped. Not bad
  7. Mine are actually called "S9 Classic". Typo on my end. Not sure if there is a model called C9. I have seen different versions, though. Mine have the blue/silver one90 outsoles but I´ve seen ones with yellowish outsoles as well. Maybe that´s the difference? Doubt it but who knows. JR? :D
  8. german NBH rep/distributor
  9. Where did you get those S9s? They look too tiny to be NHL Pro Stock? German Elite League player. A czech with tiny feet, to be exact. B) Actually they are an 8.5 and fit me like a glove (wearing size 10 shoes) The 9k´s are a 9.5 and they´re a little too big. Were way to cheap to say no, though so I tried. The old Nike´s are 7.5 I think. Those are now my girlfriends skates. :D
  10. Custom C9. Basically a dressed up 8090, yes.
  11. You´re right. They´re too large and I´m currently selling these as well as the Wicked´s. Getting S15 as a replacement.
  12. Perfect curve. Who do I need to conatct for pro-returns? Seriously though, that explains why he wanted my blades back then...uhm...okay...seriously now...I want one of those! :D
  13. Since I now got a camera at home I thought I might share my latest pick up. Plastic all over yet light as a feather and nice soft palms, too. Too bad I won´t be able to use them for a while due to surgery.
  14. that looks like a straight up corner, where the hell are you playing? That lower pic is indeed from a school gym. We had to play a couple of games there when our regular rink got a new roof.
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