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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by Ufeelshame

  1. if it helps I placed my order for custom Luxes's Oct. 23 PSHG got them Dec. 2
  2. yup, my custom Luxe's were supposed to be carbon outside stripes.. PSHG told me they are all tufftek and gave me return/refund options.I chose to accept them as is. I would assume these mistakes are from Warrior's end unless there is a problem with the custom order sheet.
  3. If you're in a movie theater and someone steps on your foot, LET IT SLIDE. Why spend the next twenty years in jail 'cause somebody smudged your Pumas'?
  4. yeah Warrior did a nice job on these, wasnt sure how they would turn out.. dont know if I should put them in glass case on my mantle or play with them.. haha but I didnt get them just to look at tell you what though I wouldnt want to be the first mother f*#@%@ who has black tape and hooks these babies.. gonna be well worth the penalty.. classic leather cuff roll and pinky, carbon middle rest is tufftek.. new Franchise with blooming cuff
  5. a little tribute to the old school flames 14" Narrows I know a bunch of you hate nash palms but I personally like them as I've had Mustang, MSH2 and Micro nash in the past... My other Franchises (just black)
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