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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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    BC Canada

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  1. Wrong usage word - Custom..as in..me ordering directly from the factory..not me going to my LHS and getting them to order for me.
  2. Got rid of my Vapor X skates and custom ordered some Vector 6'0s
  3. No, your wrong. My x70's don't say XP on them. do you have the older ones that say "X-factor" or prostock ones? my prostock X70's didnt have the XP on them. Nope, no x-factor or prostock. Ordered from the factory via Players Bench..just straight up x70's.
  4. No, your wrong. My x70's don't say XP on them.
  5. yep yep, i love the all the breaks in the fingers.. sooooo niice :) Where did you purchase them? And are they navy and silver? *drool...
  6. CWAS - Are those Oakley gloves I see? They have to be the most comfy gloves I've ever worn. A buddy of mine has black/white/red Oakleys. whbd - Not at all, I'm a mid-guy.
  7. How could you forget SOPEL? For me, in order to have the flowing hair the player must play without a helmet. With the helmet, it is more like streamers poking out of the bottom of the helmet(e.g. Jagr, Sopel, Ricci). That's the point. Even with a helmet on, Sopel's hair will flow out the back and sides.
  8. Shorty... I think your stick collection comes up a little short of ponty's. Anyways, I'm liking the Canadian flag behind the sticks.! :)
  9. In my dreams man :( They're actually only Sundog Golf shades. They look pretty nice..I guess, but the quality is skeptical. The lens' pop out easily. The nice Roots touque disguises them I guess <_<
  10. CWAS..your skates are unreal.
  11. Might happen in 06 when the sticks are more publicized and a higher percent of the population has them and would be a successful product on the market. EDIT: What the hell? How do i see the curves in a lefty version?
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