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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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    apart from hockey. NOTHING!!!
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  1. Just found these in my shed, brings back memories!
  2. lid - bauer 5000 cage - itech I2 cage (the white on the inside and black on the outside 1) shoulders - 05 ccm tacks 852 elbows - 05 ccm tacks 452 (soft capped) gloves - msh edition mission h750 heliums pants - 06 ccm tacks 692 shins - 05 ccm tacks 652 skates - 8090s sticks - sher-wood 7000 & vapor xx shaft - 06 z-bubble 85 flex blades - easton z carbon si core(sakic) & easton synergy 2(sakic)
  3. my custom gloves are the MSH heliums. even though they wasnt exactly made for me but still. :D
  4. so whats the difference bertween shift 1 & 2? the design looks the same to me apart from the colours
  5. if they fit, bauer 80-90s are the best skate you can get for your money. $250us in most places. they are very light and the durability is amazing.
  6. Helmet: ccm 652 tacks combo Shoulder pads: ccm tacks 652 elbow pads: ccm tacks 652 Gloves: bauer vapor x pants: ccm tacks 652 shin: ccm tacks 452 skates: bauer vapor xi stick: bauer vapor xx
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