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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by reverseit

  1. I know personally I want taller steel because I find I bottom out the outside of my boots when I really dig in to turn. So the additional height would give me a little bit of extra angle.
  2. Helmet: Bauer 8500 with 8500 cage Shoulders: Easton S5 Elbows: Some Hespeler ones, not sure what they are exactly Gloves: Easton 4 rolls, Easton Z-air, Bauer XXX Pro, Graf 600 Pants: Tackla 5000 Air, CCM/RBK HP520 (From the NYI) Shins: CCM U+ Pro Skates: Bauer One100 Sticks: '09 Synergy ST (main sticks), '10 Synergy ST, Nike/Bauer Vapor XXXX, TPS Rubber Response
  3. Looked like it. I didn't even know such things existed until I picked up a pair of HP520 pants last week.
  4. I doubt they'll do anything extra without additional cost
  5. Probably team Canada
  6. Not to alarm you or nothing but I saw a guy break one of those on the same day he got it. Maybe bad luck who knows
  7. These just arrived for me today: Had no real problems with my old shins for a few years now, but a few weeks ago I took a shot off the shin and it left a nasty bruise so I figured it was time.
  8. Since I haven't had a chance to post anything in here yet, my new addition
  9. Maybe it's one of those my bauer sticks
  10. What did you opt for?
  11. Epic stick. I loved mine. Only stick that lasted me more than a few months of hockey. Too bad it split right at the toe...
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