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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by hawkeyfan

  1. This is a late notice...the weekend of july 26 to 28 the Blackhawks are hosting their annual Blackhawks convention at the Hilton Chicago. Tickets go on sale 2/15 at 10am. $95 for the weekend or $60 daily
  2. Interested. This is very doable for IL skaters
  3. wow...talk about a monumental move. This is a great looking site. This is very helpful in shopping and finding the curve(s) that are available. My biggest gripe when looking at curves online is that some comapnies even show their curves from different perspectives (look down) and its hard to see the difference between similar curves. EDIT: Even the Famous Warrior custom-izer does not have all their curve options shown (last I looked)... I have my own spread sheet developed using warrior curves by year for reference in searching for curves and using them...as they are my benchmark for sticks. I will be adding this into my spreadsheet
  4. This is interesting to learn about and the above pic helps show the concern some have. I can tell the shaft on the right was heated and slapped together with the installer then nibbling around the hosel to remove the excess glue. Here's a possible solution to this. Heck this may be a reaso to buy a Base blade and check into it myself... On a standard 2 peice when I assemble... I wrap both the shaft and the blade with masking tape. Then after heating up the glue and assembling. I take a scrap of wood (a 1x2 x 12) and clear off the excess glue from the shaft area. I then wait a minute or two and then peel off the tape. This allows for a very clean installation. BUT I think that the void COULD get filled with the glue and it would be different, but better. I have taped my connections myself, but have done that as a safety measure of keeping the blade on, if the glue bond gets broken. It used to when I first started with 2 pc sticks...then I learned to use more glue (which you then have to wipe off) and learned my process. The only thing that would make this even better is if you could find a black glue stick.
  5. WOW...This years catalog has been launched. This is great to see. I was up in the U.P. when this went live and well where we go is like being on the dark side of the moon (ltd communications). Iast year I was viewing a Warrior catalog online (different site) that was crashing my computer. Access to Manufacture catalogs are important to me to see more specifically what I want and how it works OR if it is even available. I was in Total Hockey during The NAHL Chicago combine and tried to find gloves, but that was a few months back. How would the New Alpha gloves fit compare to the old "Speed" {lightweight dexterity} Projekt/Koncept. Those gloves had a cuff that my boy really liked the mobilty and protection.
  6. So Bauer is getting rid of Girdles??? I did not see a girdle in the catalog. I would think many pro's who wear girdles do it for the same reason I do...the hip bone padding is far better when you fall with a girlde. I own 3 bauer girdles from different era's.
  7. JDKsaves... Can you tell us...does True do custom blades for 2 pc set-ups? Whats the min? or should I just call a local dealer for more information???
  8. The Key above all else is fit...you may like Price, you may like brand, but how does it fit on the melon? Then you can look at the variations...I know I am looking for a new helmet for my now Midget player sna everytime we can we are trying on helmets to narrow them down. And finding a model and size can get goofy crazy as he seems to fit between Small and Medm and that can even change withi manufacturers. So good fit is important...he has outlasted an old Cascade Messier helmet finally and getting something that is as comfortable is a problem...then add in trying to find a better helemt without signing off on body parts...thats another problem. Edit...Ok I see the new models on IW and have to say...we'll have to take a look at these. I have never been a fan of the hard pellet foam systems...But I dont really like the full on foam contact models. My boy did not like the fit of the earlier resistance models, but these could be different...so, since we have not made a purchase...and am borrowing a teammates old (not expired helmet) we have time. This is the problem with the OEM's not giving any insight on future product release information...What If I had to make a purchase today and had no idea because of a lack of information on the new products AND the other jokers are bombarding the social pages with their product push....over and over and over...the propaganda is crazy
  9. Never ordered from Base, but they don't sound like they have an order center like the Big warehouse outlets...maybe someone was having a "thumper dumper" moment?
  10. that's awesome to see. I might add that taking shots in front of something like a grid background can help provide visuals of scale ratios between blade models. your photos of the BC10 vs. BC01 really help identify the blade height differences. I must have one of those quirks where I really like to be able to run things down in certain order(s). The online page has at the top all of the curves laid out Left and Right and for the most part they run in a specific order and mirror themselves and in the order they are laid out in...but then when you work the description list below...it gets goofy on you AND part of that is where I noticed the 2nd letter designations and trying to jump back up and look at the above curve shots and back down...the wheels just fall of the car. There are curves in the description side that are not in the top. Maybe its me...I also looked at a Blog Photos of Team China in your studio and trying to ID blades in that photo. I thought these curves are totally different or appear different than the computer model graphic images. This is very helpful for those of us who do not/ or cannot visit a Base Studio in person. Me myself am always looking for the curves not readily available via mass market.
  11. So I was looking over the Base curve charts...wow...a little confusing.... I confused by the BC, BM, BH, Bi, BB nomenclature added to the curve # What does the second letter help identify
  12. Awesome....I went onto the TRUE website just yesterday. I noticed that the newer sticks did list some additional Curves I have not seen from them before and could not find a chart on the site (TC3, MC2). It appears they have added colorways to the gloves, which is also cool to know you get special colors if needed as well. True has been on our radar and when I get a chance to check out TRUE gear...I do. The great thing about releasing of this information early is knowing. -To hold out (if possible) until that product is available (retail) OR if they are making a big enough swing on something to stock up on product before it disappears. This catalog edition is missing their -Bags and -Accessories (maybe they are not ready to launch) thanks for sharing
  13. I got a message on my phone via Youtube that Base has a BC77 Coffey Curve on the market as OPS. How does this compare to the BC88 and can you get this as a blade only option? Happy New Year everyone
  14. Dohh...and years ago I passed ojn the oppurtunity for NOS PM9 blades at $9.99 at a rink proshop during a tournament...I knew to just grab a few at that price...But I didn't
  15. P46 does not match either the PM9 from bauer or the E28...What am i missing??? Th eP46 is really more like taking the P88 and tweaking the toe by opening it and giving it a lil more toe curve. Its really the most pro-curve a retail curve has ever been. Now some years back (2012) the landeskog (102-2) when it was first introduced was different than the later years (2013 and later is a 196-1). So maybe your looking at an earlier landeskog curve.
  16. Awesome stuff...My only note for a Coffey blade is for the blades sole to be more radius/rocker than what the coffey typically has as it seems to be very flat on the bottom
  17. thanks for posting the weights. I started weighting everything some years back when I discovered a blade that had 160grams listed on it from the manufacturer. When I weighed it, it was 190g. I have even taken a scale into a total Hockey many years ago to weight some sticks. I have been criticized by some (coaches) but it can be amazing to see where weights shift on major name brands.
  18. My Favorite is the Warrior Smyth Curve, BUT would like to see that with a Bauer P10 blade shape (outline). the Smyth Curve is like a W88 curve with an additional tweak down in the toe area. This is great, as you get the power from the curve, plus the tweaking in the toe area for toe stuff. One thing I've noticed...many of those curves that have a short life, are curves only available on the top of the line sticks. So anyone who might want to try a different curve, IS NOT gonna plunk down the change for another OPS, just to try out a new curve. Which is what is so great about 2 pc sticks. Taper or Standard...I really dont care, I just want the shaft in the flex that I like (75) and the curves I like. I will buy what fits my needs. a Coffey curve would be good, But I think its too Flat soled and a Coffey with a more rocker curve sole would be BETTER...I would say look at the CCM P29 and compare to the Coffey.
  19. Can Either Of the Base Guys let us know the difference in stick weight between a Grip Gloss finish and a Clear Matte Finish. Also is he Grip Powder Matte durable. Warrior had a Crushed Velvet finish that would wear off pretty quickly (don't like that). Leaning towards the Grip Gloss on a "Nasty". Thanks
  20. I 'll tell you a great story... So I am at one of my boys games up in Chicago. We are standing around waiting for his game and the earlier game has just ended. Around the side of the rink is a guy in a coaches jacket talking with a younger player who is in street clothes. He has a White Easton (dont recall which model but its in 100 flex) and he talking to the Mite and he showing him how position himself and he's in the shooting position and flexing his stick and that thing is bending big time. We walked over closer (Me and my daughter) and we start talking and he mentions...He got the best stick in the shop that day and he sitting there flexxing it with no problem. He hands me the stick and asks what do I think? I could not flex the thing. Big wimp here I guess, but hey thats ok...I know to use a stick with more flex then to give me a little extra oomph from the flexxiness. A Junior Stick should flex a little...although my boy started with a series of Easton 2pc setup that where Lightpoles (very stiff). Where still learning and it takes an open mind to realize they are all different. I was really dissappointed with the Nexus cracking, As that shaft felt awesome (shaft shape & weight wise). My Current Rig is a Warrior DyNasty 75 2pc with a Smyth Curve. Warrior only makes a 75 in Tpr...so feel lucky to have found a great blade to go with the shaft. I also have an older Dolomite 85 tpr and its amazing how different the two are with their flexxiness.
  21. Alan, I cannot advice much...But I would stay away from Bauer. They are a very stiff product item IMO. I am amazed with how much people love them, But I have seen many broken sticks and when you see the cross section...they do not look like other brands composition. Maybe on the Senior Stick level, but on the younger ones I recall seeing what look like Fiberglass strands. Also (I had a top of the line Nexus 87) flex that I turned into a 2 pc. And it sits in my basement with stress cracks on the shaft and I have seen many other top of the line Bauers with the same problem. They talk about how they are supposed to flex, but I dont see how they are getting stress fractures then. I have a Base (85 savoy special) and that thing can flex. I have had mixed results with Warrior, but recommend them. They have an Intermediate 55 flex OPS that I can flex way more than the bauer nexus I was describing above and no stress issues.
  22. For 2 piece players...This is really great to read. Many previous options have disappeared in the market. But the reality is many people do not realize the benefits of the 2 piece. I even have to let other parents know that they can extend their kids old stick with a shaft extension (amazing really) 1st. I have seen Base Fitting sessions in the Chicagoland area rinks. I do not live the the Chicagoland area, but we play alot of games in the area. Do you guys have a rep in the area and who would that be? I have used a Broken Savoy special stick as a 2pc set-up and it has the "Flexxiness" that I think all sticks should have. I am interested in learning more on your 2 pc options. Is your website up to date or should one look at Facebook or somewhere else?
  23. CCM is really working at improving their product recently...But I wonder if part of their problem was that they had given the Reebok side so much of their break through ideas. I will say that my Son has the Newer Tacks 6052 Gloves AND like the "Fit lights" they add the outside bottom finger padding with indivdual pads (8th pic down). In the past I've seen where all the pads are stitched together with one main enclosure cover. If your kid places his hands on the boards while skating and say he is a D and he does this where there are doors...that bottom padding gets destroyed.
  24. been eyeballing the catalog for a spell as they post it on their website. the Rekker line looks interesting. somewhere one of the families in our association must have gotten a prototype sticjk as they had one back some months ago. good to see players locally (central IL) with Sherwood Sticks. they really need to show their curves better as some are really hard to ID what it really looks like. Bummer is that Total Hockey looks to be limiting their sherwood inventory
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