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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by flyersfan9319

  1. how are the custom pro stock warriors? my friend had regular erasers and they gor ripped to hell after a month
  2. i would tell him your getting them more frequently if you get ones of random spurs this bad, i take a migraine pill everyday and it helps keep them as well as headaches away for the most part. Also i get my migraines from caffeine
  3. the curve i did myself on my old st as well as my s19, and part of my 10k glove is in the corner
  4. Helmet: easton s19 z-shock Visor/Cage: Oakley straight cut for reffing/ easton s9 cage for when i play Shoulder pads: ccm tacks(they are so old it isn't funny) Elbow pads: reebok 6k Gloves: reebok 10k kfs(they feel nice but cant handle being used 7 days a week after 3 months they are falling apart) Pants: warrior hustler Shin pads: bauer one55 Skates: bauer x60 Stick: s19, broken flipped s19, reebok 11k
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