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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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deej last won the day on March 3 2015

deej had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

19 Good


  • Skates
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
  • Elbow Pads
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    Warrior / Tron

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  1. Sat around for a couple of years, but minideej will be using them in his charity ball hockey tournament soon as he now fits them and has a break from goal over the summer.
  2. Richie Bernaud - Cricket commentator extrodinaire and not a bad player in his time. More than one generation grew up listening to him. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richie_Benaud
  3. Yay! it finally came, we're allowed to stay.
  4. Last week was at my Uncles memorial, but it belongs in here as he was extremely fun loving and the events matched that. Met his husbands family for the first time, who are all awesome and manged to reconcile with my dad at the same time. Although it was very hot & humid in Key West a great time was had by all and we now have family on this side of the Atlantic, although in the US. Also to top things off when we got back my fantastic neighbour, who was looking after the cat, got my book signed (nice to say welcome, although we've been here nearly 2 years ). Well worth the bottle of rum we brought back for him
  5. Spent Christmas in Ottawa as the extended family are all still in Europe. Took the kids to see their first NHL game (and our first in season game) as the Sens beat the Penguins 5-0. Was a complete surprise for them and the look on their faces (especially my sons) was fantastic. Well worth keeping it a secret.
  6. Stompin' Tom Connors at 77 from natural causes http://www.stompintom.com/
  7. Minideej's team won the mid-season house league tourney. Not bad at all for only being in country for 2 months and the team not winning a single game previously. He's the goalie holding the cup.
  8. After 4.5 months the bureaucracy is nearly over and we have all the paperwork at this end. The shippers have been given the go, and flight is booked from Heathrow on Tuesday. Just immigration to get through. Look out Ontario, deej and family are coming to stay!!! (just our luck to pick a lockout season...)
  9. The kids got to be mascots at the game on Sunday. Were on for pre warmup, the lineups and anthem, and again post game for handshakes, man of match and warm down/crowd appreciation. We won 7-4 as well.
  10. New jersey sent over the North Sea from the in-laws in Holland. Now, just need some mitts to go with it......
  11. Well, I got my exam results back and I'm now a coach, just the time consuming registration paperwork to get out of the way. And I'm dissapointed by the 97%.
  12. Got my booking confirmation for my EIHA (English) Level 1 coaching course in June. Should be fun.
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