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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About mnwild9

  • Birthday 01/01/1989

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  1. Dupes how many pairs of gloves do you have?
  2. how skating in them? everything feel fine with skating back into the net? just was wounder may do it with an other pair of skates I have.
  3. My nice pick up today
  4. Hey Dupes which Koivu are those gloves?
  5. With just the big piece of tape it didnt look good. I may use a razor blade next time I used scissors this time. It took a long time to make sure everything was right I had to keep putting the inner shell and pull it just to make sure everything was aligned. I think the sides look good but the middle part could use a re-due though. most of the time I see people use one color and thats it.
  6. Thanks bro, I was going to do the Finnish Flag no matter what it could have been a red helmet and I would have don the same. Its a part of my heritage thats why I wear it.
  7. Its cause all I wear is team Finland equipment. I wish it would have been a royal blue or white helmet it would have looked way better. I would like to see you create something that took over two hours to do just to make sure everything was aligned.
  8. The reason why I have the swedish is cause its the one side from my dads family that I like and Finland is from my moms side and all I wear. I have the team Finland gloves, jersey, and wear royal blue pants. Those two country's are the ones that I hold close to my heart and I'm very proud of both.
  9. My new helmet a RBK 6K I picked it up for 20 at a Play It Again in Chicago. With my own custom work done.
  10. Shit I love my Jofa Bucket. Best thing i've ever bought. Its my third one in my life time I picked this one up on ebay at a killer price. I'm kind of thinking about selling it though thinking about buying the rbk version that they have for sale in the UK.
  11. I love my equipment
  12. Helmet Jofa 690 Large with a Pro Stock Oakley Visor Shoulder pads RBK 4K Fitlite Elbows Jofa 7500 Pants RBK 7K Royal Blue Shins Jofa 5500 14" Skates Rbk 7 and Rbk 5 Gloves RBK 6K Team Finland 14" Sticks Bauer One55 Shaft with a P92 blades, SBK Dark One Shaft with a Easton Iginla blade recurved like the P92, SBK White Shadow with a Titan Selanne curve blade and a Bauer broken one piece XXX with a P92 blade. But looking to get rid of the XXX and I have a CCM Octo Zone with a Tavaras curve (Right handed).
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