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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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3 Neutral


  • Skates
    MLX, Vapor X 7.0
  • Hockey Bag
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer Supreme
  • Elbow Pads
    Warrior Projekt
  • Shoulder Pads
    Jofa or Reebok 2K
  • Pants
    Bauer Supreme and Vapor
  • Helmet
    Bauer 7700
  • Gloves
    X60 Pro
  • Stick
    X60 P88 77 Flex

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    endurance sports (running, cycling, triathlon), motocross, hockey, my 3 kids
  • Location
    Brunswick, ME
  • Gender

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  1. rebooting this as i go down the officials route - my 3 kids are aging through and out of HS hockey so looking to stay involved a bit. Fun to watch @marka go down the path a few years back.
  2. That's me! How's it?! Yea I might go try on the 7 again. In almost every skate I have owned a 41 (thats what the 7.5 is) is perfect. I dont mind a tiny space in front of the toe. as long as the volume and heal are good. best.
  3. Thanks, I was leaning that way.
  4. Quick question on the fit-baking of these. I tried on a 7.5 and my toes are just feathering the toe cap. In a 7 I was pretty jammed in there (like uncomfortable). After hearing how much the heal sinks in on these should I go with the 7's or the 7.5's? Note, both tried on in thin easton hockey socks.
  5. I love my XO2 and get consistent edges with the FBV spinners. After taking my sons size 11 youth skates to a local shop and having the edges be so out of alignment I have decided to look for a youth X series holder.
  6. Best wishes JR on a speedy recovery.
  7. JR, do you mean the Xo2 has a more exotic spinner? I am leaning towards XO2, with FBV 100/50 to start...with the Tef Top of course.
  8. Thanks MNPucker. Blackstone has a deal that includes the accessory kit, I think this includes a lot of what you talk about. I am not 100% sure what the Tef Top is though? Now you got me thinking about the Xo2....doh.
  9. Ok, so I read this whole thread (yikes!), I am looking at picking up a XO1. There seem to be some people who have them for awhile now. Any "long term reviews" out there? (over 1 year?). I will be doing my 2 pairs of skates and my kids 2 pairs. we don't skate a ton so like 10 skates a month on average. Thinking of going Xo1, 100/50 FBV spinner...and of course the FREE accessory kit! Thanks for all the insightful info on MSH!
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