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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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About stick&puck

  • Birthday 10/17/1983


  • Skates
    CCM Crazy Light
  • Hockey Bag
    cheap ccm
  • Shin Pads
    Bauer one55
  • Elbow Pads
    Bauer one55
  • Shoulder Pads
    Rbk 9k
  • Pants
    Rbk 8k pro stock
  • Helmet
    Bauer Re-akt
  • Gloves
    Bauer one95
  • Stick
    Warrior dolomit, Easton se16

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  1. I agree with you that its not going to be perfect but to measure the exact same spot heel to toe one side being level and then flipping the orintation of the holder toe to heel it should also read the same i would think, since its the exact same place of measurement. I'm farily new to all this which is why i am asking, not trying to argue with anyone :-)
  2. Blademaster is out of stock on the BR100 right now but still didn't want to have to buy another one considering I just bought this one..
  3. Really did you complain back to Blackstone about it? I sent an email off to one of the sales reps with pictures and explanation and he said that it could be a depression on the blade. I've replicated the issue on 3 different pairs of skates and each skate blade i marked to make sure i was checking at a consistent point on each blade, they all exhibit the same thing. They also said that "if you are within a line and a half that is considered even", i almost want to purchase a BR100 to compare and see but i don't really have extra cash to do that. Either way not to impressed right now.
  4. I took some pictures, i think your right i think the part with the level lines is actually off. Level Same spot not level when flipped. Its really hard to tell from pictures without the part in front of your eyes but it looks like it is slightly higher groove on the left side.
  5. Wondering if its something I'm doing wrong but I'm using the Blackstone butterfly gage and I'll check for level edges with the heel facing me and they will be level all 3 places but if I flip the skate the edges are showing not level.
  6. To the guys that baked your skates, did you bake them while the over was on? or did you bring the oven to the temprature then place the skate in with the oven off?
  7. Took sometime today to make an exhaust system for the X-01, follow what other members have done for their units. Works like a charm
  8. Unwrapped my X-01 last night gave it a quick test run love the unit. Mark at Blackstone was great and provided top notch service. Time to get some practice on the unit now
  9. Skates - CCM U+ Crazy lights Ovi Stick - Warrior Dolomite, Easton S16 Gloves - Bauer ONE95 Helmet - Bauer 4500 Pants - Tackla 951 Shoulder Pads - TPS Response Elbow Pads - Bauer one55 Shin Pads - Bauer one55
  10. Went to pack the bag for skill and practice in the morning and noticed this surprise..
  11. Picked these up yesterday, I've been wearing ill fitting skates for the last year and finally got around to picking up new skates. Didn't intend on picking up such an high model skate but i ended up getting them for a price i couldn't say no to.
  12. I tried 90/75 liked it but wanted some more bite so went back to the store and they recommended that I switch to 100/50, I don't know if it was a bad sharpen the second time or I'm just not used to the cut but 100/50 felt like crap couldn't get a good edge in the ice and at high speed felt weird but not sure if that was the glide kinda wobble popped up.. Not sure if I should go to 100/75 or 95/75
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