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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Everything posted by B&W

  1. i had a gonchar ops return thing shot like a dream. seriously envious of you
  2. were those koivus vector 4's they look oddly similar, same cuff etc.
  3. few pics from shinny this winter. I had just made the transition to ice from roller. so don't be too harsh haha.
  4. very envious of all the gear posted ahead of me, just started playing ice, played roller up until this december couldn't afford ice in high school, absolutely no comparison. Helmet: M11 Cascade - Super comfortable, can't even tell that i'm wearing it. Visor: Bauer Halfie - Gets the job done Shoulder pads: Warrior Method - a bit too bulky for me Elbow pads: Warrior Hitmen - Love 'em Gloves: CCM V04 - Meh Pants: Warrior Bentley - cost effective haha Shin pads: Bauer supreme one15 - again they get the job done Skates: CCM V04 - great bang for the buck Stick: CCM Vector U+
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